Zoning District R-1R (Single-Family Residential Restricted).  

Latest version.
  • Permitted Uses:

    As specified in subdivision covenants or otherwise legal document/contract germane to land use within the separate parish subdivision/residential communities; to include land uses for single-family dwellings (excluding mobile homes); private parks, gardens, playgrounds, golf courses, and recreational facilities; subdivision/community public fire protection, security, and utility facilities; home occupations; private garages; commercial and accessory uses as allowed in covenant or contract.

    Permitted as Exception by Board of Adjustment:

    Those land uses deemed necessary by parish jurisdictional authorities to protect the health, safety, and well-being of residents of the contract subdivision and/or adjacent neighboring communities.

    Permitted Signs:

    One sign identifying each subdivision not to exceed 10 feet in height and 32 square feet in size.

    Maximum Floor Area:


    Maximum Height of Main Building:

    60 feet.

    Lot Requirements: (subject to Louisiana State Sanitary Code, Chapter 13):

    Minimum lot area: 12,000 square feet.

    Front yard: 30 feet.

    Side yard: Total: 20% lot width, minimum 10 feet.

    Rear yard: 20% of lot depth. Not required to exceed 25 feet.

    Or as required by the subdivision/community covenant contract or zoning district R-1 requirements (whichever is most restrictive).