§ 1-9. Ordinances reserved from repeal.
The following ordinances in effect at the time of adoption of this Code, the text of which is not set out in this Code, nonetheless remain valid until later repealed or as later amended:
Ordinances concerning servitudes and servitude agreements;
Ordinances accepting subdivisions;
Ordinances approving or accepting contracts;
Ordinances fixing salaries;
Ordinances authorizing intergovernmental agreements;
Ordinances approving holding of elections;
Budget and appropriation ordinances; ordinances establishing fees and other monetary charges;
Ordinances for acquisition or disposition (including sale) of parish property;
Ordinances of recognition of dedications;
Ordinances concerning bond/debt issuance;
Ordinances granting variances concerning specific properties;
Ordinances accepting redivisions of property;
Ordinances accepting donations of property;
Ordinances regarding rezoning of specific property parcels;
Ordinances establishing millage rates and annual levying of ad valorem taxes;
Ordinances establishing sales and use taxes;
Ordinances granting and concerning franchises;
Ordinances concerning traffic regulations;
Ordinances establishing policies and procedures, including manuals;
Ordinances concerning streets and roads, including, but not limited to, naming and grading;
Other ordinances of a temporary and specific nature.