§ 24-1. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Agricultural means land devoted to the production for sale, in reasonable commercial quantities, of plants and animals, or their products, useful to man, and agricultural land under a contract with a state or federal agency restricting its use to agricultural production.
Asphalt and concrete batching plant means a site at which asphalt and concrete are mixed and transported.
Borrow pit means a manmade, relatively deep hole in the ground used to extract sand, gravel, clay, or dirt.
Buffer. A buffer can be part of the development, or can be adjacent land, and are only required between the intended land use and a residence, subdivision, or school. Buffers provide distance between the development and the nearest residence or school. A buffer can be developed (with another land use), be vacant, be barren, be treed, or be agricultural, etc. A buffer is in addition to a greenbelt.
Disposal facilities means the physical components of the disposal system, such as transfer conveyances, transfer stations, processing plants, and landfills.
Dumping pit means a legal/licensed land site where solid or liquid waste is disposed of in a manner that does not protect the environment.
Greenbelt means a belt of property that encircles the development. The greenbelt will be provided as part of the development tract and shall completely surround the area used for the land use listed in section 24-106(b), and shall have a minimum of eight trees per acre and maintained on a regular basis.
Home mechanic (shade tree mechanic) means a self-employed individual who repairs damaged or inoperative vehicles or machinery at a private residence or at any site zoned for other uses as a part-time occupation or for a fee. No more than five vehicles in any stage of repair may be stored at the site at any one time.
Incinerator means a furnace designed for the volume reduction of solid waste by burning in a fire box with proper controls and temperature range with stack emissions which do not exceed air pollution control limits established by local, state or federal laws and regulations.
Junk means any inoperative, discarded or abandoned machinery, equipment, furniture, household appliances or other such manufactured items of any kind; or any discarded or abandoned metal, plastics, wood or other inanimate objects of any kind; or parts thereof, which may be treated or prepared so as to be used again in some form.
Landfill means a legal/licensed facility for the disposal of solid waste (excluding hazardous waste) involving the placement of solid waste on or into the land surface, and usually involving compaction and covering of the disposed solid waste, and which is not a landspreading or surface impoundment facility.
Logging means the legal/licensed work or business of cutting or trimming trees and transporting the logs to a mill.
Nuisance means any condition of or the use of any premises or structure which:
Causes diminution in the value of the property of others in the neighborhood or vicinity in which such premises or building is located; or
Reflects the storage or abandonment of trash, debris, junk, wrecked, or used automobiles or motor vehicles, or any parts thereof, or any junk, discarded, or abandoned machinery, or other metal, tin, or discarded items; or
Is in any way dangerous to the health and safety of others.
Pipe yard means a legal/licensed site where heavy seamless tubing used to rotate the bit and circulate drilling fluids are cleaned and stocked.
Scrap and salvage yards (junk yards, crusher yards) means a legal/licensed facility for discarded or rejected vehicles, machinery, material or parts of material that result from manufacturing operations and are suitable for reprocessing or recycling.
Scrap yard owner/operator (junk dealer) means the owner and/or manager of an establishment or business who possesses the appropriate state and local occupational licenses or permits to engage in and who engages in the retail and/or wholesale of salvaged materials on a site or premises that is properly zoned by the parish council for such use.
Waste pickup station means a legal/licensed site at which solid waste is temporarily placed and from which it is transported to a different location for processing and/or disposal.
Waste transfer station means a legal/licensed site at which solid waste is assembled and temporarily deposited after collection and from which it is transported to a different location for processing and/or disposal.
Wrecker yard means a legal/licensed site or building at which damaged vehicles or machinery are stored and whose purpose is to sell vehicle or machinery parts, or whose primary business is to store damaged vehicles or machinery.
(Code 1979, § 12-57; Ord. of 8-6-1996, § 2; Ord. No. 18-06-1228-OR, 6-5-2018; Ord. No. 19-02-1255-OR, 2-5-2019)