§ 40-49. Preliminary plat.
At least ten calendar days prior to the meeting at which it is to be considered, the subdivider shall submit to the planning commission four copies of a preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision drawn to a scale of not less than one inch equals to 100 feet.
The preliminary plat which shall meet the minimum standards of design as set forth in article IV and the general requirements for the construction of public improvements as set forth in article V shall give the following information insofar as possible.
The proposed subdivision's name and location, the name and address of the owner and the name of the designer of the plat who shall be a competent engineer, landscape architect, city planner or land surveyor.
The name, certification, stamp or seal of the parish health authority as to approval of sewerage disposal and water systems.
Date, approximate north point and graphic scale.
The location of existing and platted property lines, existing streets, buildings, watercourses, railroads, bridges, culverts, any public utility easements, both on this land subdivision and adjacent land, present zoning classification, if any, on the land to be subdivided and the adjoining land near the subdivision, and the names of adjoining recorded property owners and their addresses and adjoining subdivisions.
Plans of proposed utility servitude layouts (sewer, water, and electricity) showing feasible connections, where possible, to existing and proposed utility systems.
The proposed street names and locations, dimensions of proposed streets, alleys, easements, parks and other open spaces, reservations, lots and building setback lines.
Contour interval to sea level datum of not more than two feet when the slope is less than four percent. Show spot elevations of all breaks in grades along drainage channels or swales and at selected points not more than 200 feet apart in all directions for slopes less than two percent, and contour intervals of not more than five feet when the slope is greater than four percent.
If any portion of the land being subdivided is below the elevation of flood as designated by the parish engineer, the limits of such flood shall be shown.
Typical cross-sections of the proposed grading and roadways or sidewalks and topographic conditions drawn to a scale of not less than one inch equals 100 feet horizontal and one inch equals 20 feet vertical when required by the planning commission.
The acreage of the land to be subdivided.
Vicinity map showing location of subdivision site.
The width and location of any street or other public ways or places shown on the master plan or major road plan within the area to be subdivided.
Ditches shall have a minimum depth of two feet, to be shown on proposed plans submitted.
Within 45 calendar days after submission of the preliminary plat, the planning commission will review and indicate approval, disapproval or tentative approval with conditions. If a plat is disapproved, reasons for such disapproval shall be stated in writing. If approved subject to conditions, the nature of the required conditions shall be indicated in writing.
One copy of the preliminary plat will be retained in the planning commission files; one copy shall be returned to the subdivider with any notations at the time of approval or disapproval and the specific changes if any required; one copy shall be transmitted to the local department of public works or comparable agency; and one copy shall be transmitted to the parish health unit.
Failure of the planning commission to act on the preliminary plat within 45 calendar days will be deemed approval of the plat.
The approval of the preliminary plat by the planning commission will not constitute acceptance of the final plat.
The approval of the preliminary plat shall lapse unless a final plat based thereon is submitted within 12 months from the date of such approval, unless an extension of time is applied for and granted by the planning commission.
(Ord. of 6-30-1969, § 3.1)