§ 6-1. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Abandon means to completely forsake and desert an animal previously under the custody or possession of a person without making reasonable arrangements for its proper care, sustenance, and shelter for a period of time exceeding 23 hours.
Animal , as used in this chapter, means any vertebrate creature excluding Homo sapiens (humans).
Animal control authority means the division of St. Martin Parish Government authorized to manage the St. Martin Parish animal control program and run the St. Martin Parish Animal Shelter and collect fees and fines associated with the enforcement of this chapter.
Animal control manager means the person employed by the parish as its primary animal control officer and custodian of the animal shelter records and who has the responsibility and power to delegate duties and responsibilities to all employees in the division of the animal shelter.
Animal control officer (ACO) means any person employed by the St. Martin Parish Sheriff's Office or parish in the division of animal control empowered to enforce animal-related laws and ordinances, as authorized by law.
Animal control specialist means an animal control officer commissioned by the animal control authority by written proclamation of the animal control manager and, pursuant to law, empowered to enforce all animal-related crimes defined by ordinance or state law.
Animal establishment means a facility, business, association, or nonprofit agency that houses animals excluding the parish-run animal shelter.
Animal shelter means the St. Martin Parish Animal Shelter that is a division of the St. Martin Parish Government and the premises designated and owned by the parish for the purposes of impounding, caring for, adopting out, and/or disposing of stray, impounded, abandoned, seized, or unwanted animals in the parish. The division of animal shelter is also known as the division of animal control.
Attendant means a person other than the owner who is harboring or having in his/her possession any animal.
Bird sanctuary means a designated area of refuge for birds, being any member of the genetic class Aves, where hunting is illegal.
Cat means a domestic member of the genus Felis of either sex that has traditionally, through a long association with humans, lived in a state of dependence upon humans or has been traditionally kept as a household pet (Felis domesticus).
Dog means a domestic member of the genus Canis of either sex that has traditionally, through a long association with humans, lived in a state of dependence upon humans or has been traditionally kept as a household pet (Canis familiaris).
Domestic animal means any dog, cat, or other animal normally not regarded as a wild animal.
Euthanasia means the act of humanely ending an animal's life using the methods approved by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).
Feral means existing in a wild or untamed state because of, but not limited to, the lack of human contact.
Kennel means any facility or person engaged in breeding, buying, and/or selling dogs, and any premises used for the purposes of those activities.
Livestock means cattle, sheep, swine, goats, horses, mules, burros, asses, chickens geese and any other farm-raised species.
Owner means any person who keeps in his care, harbors, has custody of an animal, and/or who knowingly permits an animal to remain on or about his/her premises for longer than 14 consecutive days.
Person means any individual, corporation, partnership, trust, firm, association or other legal entity or juridical person.
Restraint means control of an animal which causes the animal to remain in or on the owner's or attendant's property or by a securely fastened leash while off the property of the owner or attendant.
Seriously injured means any physical injury caused by major trauma including, but not limited to, unconsciousness, broken bones, obvious disfigurement, or excessive blood loss that causes severe pain, suffering, and/or substantial risk of death.
Seriously ill means any ailment and/or condition that causes severe pain, suffering, and/or substantial risk of death.
Spayed/neutered means an animal that has undergone a surgical procedure performed by a veterinarian to prevent conception.
Wild animal means any animal, including hybrids, that is not tame by nature; that because of habit, mode of life, or natural instinct, is incapable of being completely domesticated; that requires the exercise of art, force or skill to keep it in subjection. For the purposes of this chapter, wolves, wolf hybrids, feline species other than Felis domesticus, or hybrids thereof, are considered wild animals.
(Ord. No. 15-12-1125-OR, 12-15-2015)
State law reference
Definitions relating to animal shelters, R.S. 3:2462; definitions relating to rabies control, R.S. 40:1276.